save & improve public transit
add your name to support funding to keep public transportation running!
From Shasta to San Diego, all Californians deserve to get around safely, reliably, and affordably. But right now, our state is letting many of our transportation systems fail, blocking us from accessing what we need to thrive.
The California Department of Transportation continues to waste billions of OUR tax dollars on projects that aren’t making our travel any faster. Instead, it worsens air pollution, threatens public health, and actually increases traffic.
Imagine if instead we spent this money on accessible sidewalks, crosswalks, bike paths, and high-quality public transportation in YOUR neighborhood that improve access and safety for everyone and creates hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Tell Governor Newsom that if he really wants to leave no one behind, it’s time for California to fund transit, biking, and walking projects that get us all where we need to go.